
Finding Inspiration for My Watercolor Art

Occasionally when I am out and about I am literally stopped in my tracks by a site that grabs me. As my family can attest, I carry my camera with me for these precise moments. So often the photos I take become the inspiration for an eventual watercolor painting. These are the moments I don't want to let pass by.  Here are a few images that inspire me to paint...

I love these Poppies. The “lacey” shadows add another dimension that will look wonderful in a watercolor painting!


On a recent trip to the Botanical Gardens in Naples, FL I saw this crane in a marsh.  It will be challenging, and fun, to paint him in those beautiful grasses!  He almost already looks like watercolor art!

Crane in a marsh

A few years ago I traveled to the Greek Islands.  Everywhere I turned was a breathtaking vista! This one is in Santorini.  This has to be a painting!

After daisies I think sunflowers are my favorite.  They are so happy seeking the sun! Painting this for sure!


I was walking in Aspen a few summers ago and did a quick about face when I saw this darling tricycle next to the pot of flowers.   An all-American scene if ever I saw one!

Tricycle and flower pot

What scenes or objects inspire you to your next watercolor art project?